I want to know God more

No matter where you're coming from or what you're going through, Jesus makes life better. Life is a journey, so whether you're taking your first step or have been following Jesus for a long time, there's always another step to take to grow in your faith. We want to help you discover where you are on your journey and what's next for you.

The following questions will help us better understand where you are in your Growth Path journey.

Please fill these out as honestly as possible. There are no wrong or right answers.

If other, please explain:

If other, please expalin:

Based on the following GPS descriptions, my best guess for my current stage is...

Explorers are on a journey to discover what is missing in their lives and are thinking it just might be God! They are curiously seeking to understand who God is, how He works and what a relationship with Him really looks like.

Builders are hungry for getting to know God better! They know there's so much to learn, and they want to build a strong faith in God that can weather the storms of this life. They will seek out other believers to help them on their journey.

Owners are making things happen for God. They enjoy using their talents to serve God, sharing their story and leading others. While they have developed healthy spiritual practices, they realize there is still a lot to learn.

Thrivers overflow with the goodness of God in what they say and do. They walk in renewed confidence and freedom of who God is in their lives. They have wisdom just oozing out of them and continue to search for practical, helpful ways to greater influence people for Jesus.